I don't even know where to begin.
Well, E's birth mom is a crazy whore face bitch. I actually refer to her as Whore Face behind her back. So, for the sake of this blog entry, I will refer to her as WF.
For the last 3 years, WF has not sent E any Christmas or birthday presents. Barely called and never wrote. WF claims that it's too expensive to mail presents, so she'd wait until E went to visit her in the summer. So, even though E's bday & xmas are in December, she'd not get anything until July or August the following year. My whole thing is, that a stamp cost $0.57 or something and it's quite easy to send a gift card inside a birthday card... or even shove 10 bucks in the frickin' card. Christ, you don't even need to send anything but a card, just so that your child knows that you're thinking of them! If you're that damn cheap, go get a card at the Dollar Store... or draw one on a scrap piece of paper. Bitch, put some effort into it! Your child will appreciate ANYTHING!
M & I have been struggling financially, and have not been able to buy plane tickets to send E to see WF. It's just too expensive! E, has also not really wanted to go see WF, because there's so much drama, and E has never been able to hang out with her friends here in summer, or go to summer camp, so she decided to stay home this summer. WF did not take it well at all. She literally disowned her child. She swore at her, and hung up on her. What mother does that to their child? E was 12 years old when this happened! E was so distraught. M and I cried and cried and cried over E's broken heart.
The Mama Bear in me is on fierce watch right now. Every fibre of me wants to protect E from WF breaking her heart again. I am E's mom now. I am the one who wipes away her tears, I am the one who encourages her, I am the one who listens to her, I am the one who buys her new clothes, shoes and school supplies, I am the one who takes her to the doctor, who fixes her boo-boos (yeah, she still gets them!), I am the one who plans her birthday party, who takes her to the movies, who gets a headache from E and 5 of her girlfriends screaming and playing, I am the one who sat through High School Musical 3 and the Twilight series, I am the one who signs her permission slips, who deals with her school, who goes to parent/teacher night. I am the one who is present, who is there.
I love E with every millimetre of me. She is mine. I am her mom. I need to protect my child, but how do you do that against her birth mother?
Anyone can birth a child. Not everyone can raise one. Anyone can be a mother. It takes a special breed to be a mom, mama, mum, mommy...