FINALLY, at nearly 8 months old, she said "mama". I'd left the room for a second, and came back in and she said "mama" like 'hey, you're back!'. It was sweet. I even cried a little.
Now, the only time H says "mama" is when she's sad, mad, upset, pissed off, hungry, hurt or tired. Sometimes she'll say it when she's eating, but it will come out "mum mum mum mum mum". I'm completely okay with the "mum" because that's what I call my mum. And she doesn't really say "mama", it's more like "mem mem". Which is fine also.
Lately, though, it's all about "dad" "dada" or "daddy". If she doesn't see him, she says his name non-stop. She'll crane her neck to see him. She'll push me aside to get to him. She'll step on my face to get closer to him. I'm happy that she loves her daddy, but where's my props? I'm the one who carried her for 40 weeks, I'm the one who hasn't slept in a year and a half, I'm the one with the stretch marks, I'm the one with the flabby belly, I'm the one who had Post-partum Depression, I'm the one who laboured for 31 hours, I'm the one who pushed her out my vag in 20 minutes and got a 3rd degree tear... I'm the one. But she only has eyes for daddy.
Jealous much?!
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