I have MAJOR PMS today. I am just mean today. MEAN! Everyone sucks. Everyone is annoying. I have no idea why I got out of bed today. I was still tired. Like horribly tired. And I got out of bed. I felt completely obligated to get out of bed. M got up with H this morning and let me sleep in. I swear, I could have slept until 3pm. But, by the time 3pm rolled around, I'd already gone grocery shopping, washed the bedding, cleaned the house top to bottom, had lunch and surfed aimlessly on-line. I was begging to be in bed by about 5pm. But no... I am still up, I've put the baby to bed (which wasn't very pleasant, considering she wouldn't let me put her down), and all I wanted to do was sleep myself.
UGH! M has been so good today. He's just let me be a raging bitch, and just went along with my cleaning frenzy. When I was being a tyrant, he backed me up rather than challenge me. Perhaps he feared my wrath today.
I think I'm going to go and curl up into bed under my yummy clean blankets and shut my eyes to the world. Pretend that today didn't happen.
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