Friday, March 18, 2011

My Mission Tomorrow...

My life has just been shattered.  I just found out that Shamrock Shakes are not minty.  They are in fact just green-dyed vanilla shakes.  WTF?!!?!  How many years have I been jaded?
M says that there's a placebo effect from Shamrock Shakes.  People, like myself, assume that it is minty flavoured, so when consuming said Shamrock Shake, they taste mint.

See!  There's even mint leaves in the picture!!!

So, tomorrow, I shall procure a Shamrock Shake from our little bitty McDonalds, and test the placebo mint theory.

My Ego is Bruised

H said her first word when she was 5 months old.  "DADA".  It was all she said for the next 3 months.  Naturally, I was a wee bit upset, considering that I was the one who carried her for 40 weeks.  It was cute though, that H would sing-song "dada", she'd squeal it, laugh it, cry it, and say it over and over while playing.

FINALLY, at nearly 8 months old, she said "mama".  I'd left the room for a second, and came back in and she said "mama" like 'hey, you're back!'.  It was sweet.  I even cried a little.

Now, the only time H says "mama" is when she's sad, mad, upset, pissed off, hungry, hurt or tired.  Sometimes she'll say it when she's eating, but it will come out "mum mum mum mum mum".  I'm completely okay with the "mum" because that's what I call my mum.  And she doesn't really say "mama", it's more like "mem mem".  Which is fine also.

Lately, though, it's all about "dad" "dada" or "daddy".  If she doesn't see him, she says his name non-stop.  She'll crane her neck to see him.  She'll push me aside to get to him.  She'll step on my face to get closer to him.  I'm happy that she loves her daddy, but where's my props?  I'm the one who carried her for 40 weeks, I'm the one who hasn't slept in a year and a half, I'm the one with the stretch marks, I'm the one with the flabby belly, I'm the one who had Post-partum Depression, I'm the one who laboured for 31 hours, I'm the one who pushed her out my vag in 20 minutes and got a 3rd degree tear...  I'm the one.  But she only has eyes for daddy.

Jealous much?!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Parenting FAIL!

I am having a real hard time being responsible and being the parent right now.

Yesterday, I took E to get a haircut.  About 1/2 way through her haircut, the stylist stopped.  She and E rounded the corner -- E completely embarrassed and close to tears, the stylist giving me the most degrading stink eye.  The stylist informed me that E had lice... "like bad".  She showed me, and indeed, there was a large infestation.  I was utterly mortified.  I have no idea where she got it from!  But the look that stylist's face!  She looked at me like I was the lowest form of trash that crawled out of the trailer park to get my kid's "herrr did".

I immediately started panicking inside.  That musical movie montage from the movie "The Switch", where Jason Bateman has to delouse his son flashed through my mind.  I started praying for a musical movie montage instead of facing the weeks of crap ahead of me.  E thought it was a simple as taking a shower.  ::facepalm::

I went to the pharmacy and asked the lovely pharmacist to school me and to hook me up.  With $37.00 lice shampoo in hand, I drove home, calling M on the way.  By the time I got home with E, M had started putting E's things in garbage bags and was Googling how to get rid of these tiny fuckers.

So, here comes my fail.  I couldn't do the combing thing.  I had to call my MIL in to pinch hit.  She's dealt with it before.  I applied the shampoo and rinsed, but MIL had to re-rinse and pick.  She made me touch one, just so I knew how it felt on the hair.  She really had to convince me to touch it.  I nearly crapped myself, which did exactly instil any confidence in E.  I flipped after I left the bathroom.  I confided in M that I just couldn't do it.  I cannot pick.

I have about 16 years of laundry ahead of me, which I'm really not relishing.  The house has been vacuumed and cleaned top to bottom, and our main bathroom smells like an indoor pool, because M cleaned it "hospital clean" with bleach.

Here's some more parenting fail.  I cannot handle the stress that this is bringing on.  I had a stress-induced migraine all weekend long.  It keeps coming back every time my stress level skyrockets.  I just want to check out.  If the house fell down around me, I'd cry tears of joy!  I just wouldn't give a FUCK.

AAAAAANNNNDDDDD... to top it all off... E has an epic cold!  She is, as M lovingly put it, our little germ bomb.

Luckily, M, H nor I seem to have lice.  The pharmacist told me that since H has so little hair, that if she got lice, the best thing for her, treatment-wise, would be to shave her head.  I nearly burst into tears on the spot!

Yesterday, after we were able to "call it a day" all I wanted to know was if it was possible to shoot myself in the head without dying.  My migraine was epic, my stress was palpable, and my limit had been reached.  I wasn't sure I'd had a limit; yesterday I found out that I did.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Oh my god!  PMS and anxiety just do not mix!

Yesterday I literally felt crazy.  Every fibre of me was nutso!  On top of my daily 40mg of Celexa, I had to take a Clonazepam.  I was shaking, irrational, crazy, manic, all over the page, sensory overload... bonkers.  Thank goodness for prescription drugs!

I suffered from Post-partum depression.  At 2 months post-partum, I finally went to my doctor for help.  He started me off on 10mg of Celexa.  We eventually worked our way up to 40mg.  It was a long road to find a happy medium.  I would still have some situational anxiety, so he prescribed me some Clonazepam.  Some days Celexa is just not enough.  Some times I will take 2 Clonazepam.  I get totally fucked up for about an hour and then I crash.  The high is awesome... the come-down, not so much.

My doctor, whom I generally dislike professionally, told me that he would put me on Celexa longer than the generally prescribed 2 months for post-partum depression.  Yeah, he knew I was nuts and should have been on it way prior to having a baby.

I was on Celexa once around 2005-2007.  I was experiencing major anxiety and depression over WhoreFace!  She was ruining my life (but that's a whole other post).  I decided to go off of it, because I hated being numb.  Now... I welcome the numbness!

All I wanted yesterday to be numb!  I could feel the craziness in every cell of my body.  I just did not know how to deal.  Finally, sometime after a 1 am bottle feeding, I calmed down.

Today was a new day.